It’s time for us to cut through the fat and get straight to the facts. Below are 10 simple but proven tips on how to weight loss without putting your health in danger.

These should be your weight loss solutions now and in the future.

1. Start slow, start light.

Small victories give you the confidence to stay on the fitness path and to attempt bigger challenges. When dieting, try to eliminate just one unhealthy food ingredient at first. For example, start by eliminating white flour. If you can do this successfully for a few weeks, eliminate another unhealthy ingredient like dairy.

When exercising, begin with simpler moves and lighter weights. It will take your body a while to adapt and be able to bear more strenuous exercise. Gradually increase the intensity and frequency of your workout sessions to avoid overexerting your body and causing permanent muscle damage.

2. Visualize your goals.

It’s hard to stay on track when you can’t envision the results you’re after. What are your weight loss goals? What physical difficulties do you wish to overcome? Write these down and keep the list where you can see it often. Better yet, download a fitness app. Being able to see how many calories you burned on your last run and how close you are to your goal may just give you the push you need to get out of bed and put your running shoes on.

3. Consult your doctor.

You can’t just take any list of rapid weight loss tips at face value. Before beginning any sort of fitness or diet program, consult your physician. He or she will ask you to undergo a complete physical exam and will then give you medical advice that you should follow as you go on your weight loss routine. This tip is particularly important if you have a medical condition such as diabetes or hypertension that limits your diet or exercise.

4. Eat clean.

It sounds so simple, but most people find this tip incredibly hard to follow because they’ve been so used to eating processed and fast foods their whole lives. Nevertheless, there is no better way to manage your weight, become healthy, and improve your quality of life than by being mindful of what you eat. Stop eating processed foods. Eat whole, real foods. When grocery shopping, head straight for the produce section and avoid the aisles in the middle of the store where the processed foods are. Avoid fast food chains and convenience stores; instead, buy your food from farmer’s markets.

5. Drink your vegetables.

Another great tip to lose pounds while making sure that you get your daily dose of essential vitamins and minerals is to drink a green smoothie for breakfast. This is the easiest way to consume your daily recommended serving of vegetables – and a yummy one, too!

6. Choose lean protein.

Put that cheeseburger down. Did you know that you can get your protein from vegetables and grains too? Protein-rich vegetables like broccoli and spinach and whole grains like quinoa offer just as much protein as meat. You can also get protein from nuts and legumes.

7. Do cardio.

Regularly doing cardio exercises is one of the best tips to lose weight. Cardio is what melts off the fats. If you want to drop the pounds, do cardio first thing in the morning when the body’s ability to burn fat is at its peak. Run, jog, brisk walk, get on a treadmill or stationary bike, do jumping jacks, swim, and anything else that will get your heart pumping.

8. Keep a journal.

When you take the time to write about how your fitness routine is going and how you feel about it, you become much more committed to it. Write down every milestone, every drawback, and about how you plan on overcoming every challenge you face.

9. Keep at it.

After the initial enthusiasm has worn off, sticking to a healthy diet and working out may start to become a chore. Just keep at it. Remember that if you start cheating on your diet or begin skipping workout sessions, all your hard work thus far will be for naught.

10. Don’t overdo it.

This is what most tips for losing weight typically leave out. Remember that there’s a fine line between getting down to a healthy weight and beginning to look starved and unhealthy. Calculate your Body Mass Index to get the ideal weight for your height and make sure that you stay within the normal range.  When exercising, make sure that you get sufficient rest in between sessions at the gym. This gives your muscles time to recover and develop.