Benefits of Swimming

The human embryo starts life in a watery womb. Swimming not only gives you the cool pleasures of water, but it also shows how exercising in water can be both pleasurable and relaxing. Swimming helps in building muscles, clarifies breathing, stimulates circulation, and relaxes the mind. The various swimming strokes are all safe, not putting unnecessary stress on the joints.

Swimming knows no age barriers; anybody, young or old, can swim. In particular, swimming can

Provide a full-body workout

Water workouts develop the muscles of your upper back, shoulders, arms, and chest. Your posture also improves, strengthening your back and stretching your muscles.

Help you lose unwanted weight

Did you notice that most professional swimmers are always in top shape? Constant action through different strokes releases unwanted calories, helping the swimmer maintain the ideal weight.

Burn more unwanted fat

One lesser-known fact is that resistance in water is ten times more than that in air. If you were able to swim through the air, you only get 25% fewer calories than swimming through water!

Be therapeutic for certain illnesses and/or injuries

It’s a virtual good form of rehabilitation from injuries and pains. Those who have undergone surgery may also find swimming beneficial to become active again. It’s been proven that people with various sports injuries, accidents, and other pains usually get better with regular water workouts.

Utilize your muscles

Just swimming a few meters involves most of your major muscles, giving your body a terrific tone-up. If you enjoy working out or doing treadmill exercises, then swimming is just perfect for you.

Effectively reduce stress

As you swim, your suspended body position minimizes stress and contributes to mental health.

Swimming Tips

  • Ignore the initial resistance

    If you’re just starting, you may find water resistance too strong. That’s because while you swim, your entire muscle network is doing a lot of work and the water offers much resistance. However, as you persist, your muscles develop and become strong enough to counter the resistance.

  • Try various styles

    Different swimming styles employ different muscles. Go for different kinds of laps: breaststroke, freestyle, backstroke, sidestroke, and butterfly. This will improve muscle strength and help define your body better.

  • Kick it

    Kicking while swimming is a good cardiovascular exercise by increasing the heart rate. It also helps burn more calories and serves as a muscle toner for the lower body of your body.