What Are The Best Exercises to Lose Weight?

Workout routines for weight loss such as Pilates, Tabata, yoga, TRX suspension, and Zumba have gained popularity with those trying to shed pounds quickly. But which one is the best for losing weight?

Get rid of belly fat by exercising

The simple answer, according to the experts, is whichever burns calories most efficiently. Here’s a rundown of five intense workouts that will set your body to fat-burning mode and help you get a toned, trim physique in no time at all.


Once upon a time, only professional athletic trainers used the power of cross-training to arm up their clients’ training regimens. Now, this workout has made its way to the average person’s fitness routine.  If you want to firm up and slim down at the same time, cross-training is for you. This workout combines several types of cardio and endurance training exercises into a single type of workout that burns fat, reduces the risk of repetitive injury, and improves exercise adherence. To make cross-training work for you, make sure that you do a mix of low-resistance and heavy-resistance exercises. Rest between workout sessions for adequate muscle recovery.


Cardio has been called the “king” of weight-loss exercises because it helps you burn fat, improves your metabolism, elevates your heart rate, and is a relatively easy exercise to lose weight. On top of that, there are lots of different cardio activities that you can do depending on your preference, the equipment available, and your range of mobility. As long as they get your heart pumping into your target heart rate zone, you can effectively lose weight by running, jogging, cycling, speed walking, doing aerobics at home, and getting on an elliptical trainer. You can also try rowing, kickboxing, cross-country skiing, and swimming. To get the maximum benefit from cardio exercises, do them for 45 minutes to an hour five days a week and vary the intensity each time.

Kettlebell Training

Another secret to rapid weight loss is kettlebell training maximizes the time you spend at the gym because it combines both cardio and strength training in one super sculpting workout. Kettlebells are cast iron weights that are roughly the size and shape of a bowling ball with a top handle. Kettlebell training is a great workout routine to lose weight because you condition your whole body, increase your resistance to injury, develop your strength, enhance your athletic performance, and burn an astounding 20.2 calories per minute or a whopping 1,200 calories per hour!

Aside from that, kettlebell training also increases your mobility and range of motion, improves your muscular endurance, and even develops mental toughness. You get all these benefits while spending less time at the gym! The downside? When doing kettlebell exercises, proper form is of utmost importance. If you don’t master the proper handling of a kettlebell, you won’t get any of the benefits of the workout. Worse, you could end up seriously injuring yourself.

Active Yoga

Most people don’t think of activities like Pilates and yoga as workout routines to lose weight. However, these exercises do benefit the body by introducing new movements that improve mobility, increase agility; correct postural difficulties caused by weight gain, and condition various muscle groups. However, if weight loss is the primary intention, some forms of yoga are more effective than others. Practices such as Vinyasa and Bikram, for example, use movement and heat to initiate greater calorie burn. These forms of active yoga even increase the heart rate just as effectively as a cardio session. They also lengthen and tone muscles, contributing to a better-looking physique.

High-intensity Interval Training

For those who want to melt body fat as fast as possible, this “miracle” workout is a must-try. High-intensity interval training helps you lose mega calories in a short time through short bursts of intense workouts interspersed with brief periods of active recovery. There are various types of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), the most popular of which are the Tabata regimen, the Timmons regimen, and the Peter Coe regimen. HIITs create an “afterburn” that raises your metabolic rate for up to four hours after every session, which means that you lose weight even as you sleep. The downside to a high-intensity workout such as this is that you can burn out your body, making you too tired and cranky to stick to the routine. To avoid this, do HIIT three or four times a week, alternating it with strength-training sessions which also help by giving your body shape and definition as you shed the pounds.


So, what is the best workout to lose weight? It’s really up to you. The best workout for anyone who wants to lose weight is the one that he or she will do! Whichever exercise you choose, make it fun and exciting to prevent boredom as you stick to your workout schedule. For maximum impact, you can try combining two or more of these exercises or integrating a few elements or moves from one workout into another. Just take care not to overexert yourself and remember to couple your exercise routine with a healthy diet and you’ll be well on your way to getting your best body ever! I  have covered what you would call extreme weight loss methods which will help you to live healthy and fit.